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World-Herald (Nebraska Edition) Omaha, NE

Cir. D-

SEP 12 1996

Universal Press Clipping Bureau

~ \3# Council Keeps City True to Word

Four members of the Omaha City Council voted properly when they kept the city’s commit- ment on the sale of pieces from the Byron Reed collection of coins, manuscripts, autographs and historical documents. The vote on Tuesday scut- tled an effort by Councilman Richard Takechi to

keep documents that had been previously desig-_

nated to be auctioned.

The time for the city to change its mind was long past. The council approved a consignment agreement with Christie’s auction house and its subsidiary, Spink America,on March 5, Spink and Chnistie’s proceeded to advertise the sale, which will take place in New York and London next month. Christie’s has shown the items for interested buyers in Japan, Singapore, Hong

Kong and London. Jt has published a hard- bound sale catalog to promote the event.

It would have been bush-league for Omaha to withdraw items from the sale at this late date.

Takechi convinced four council members to go along with him Aug. 27 and remove from the sale a number of autographs of U.S. presidents and other famous people. But he was unable to Sustain that support afler Mayor Daub vetoed the change. Council members Subby Anzaldo, Lormong Lo, Brenda Council and Lee Terry voted to uphold the veto.

The city had made a deal in good faith with Christie's and Spink. It should be true to its word. Now the sale can proceed as scheduled.

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13 Farnam St., Ste 414 * Omaha,




442 342 3927

*S9 FROM Universal Press




Evening World-Herald Omaha, NE Cir. D. 232,671

OCT 07 1996 -

Universal Press Clipping Sureau Le

Clisping TO

Auction Week Arrives

For Reed Collection:

Omaha's Byron Reed coin and

ment collection will go on the block

Tuesday evening in New York City. Starting off the first part of at

sale at Christie's Park Avenue auction

between $25,000 and $35,000. y Burge, chair-

man of Christie's, wil accept the first hid ut 6 p.m How tong it

i could go until 9,” said James Lamb, president of Spunk America, a Christie's subsiciary.

Earlier this year city officials chose Chnstie’s and “Spink Anrerica to sell about 4,600 coins and documents from the Reed collection. wiuch the real- estate developer willed to the city more than 100 years ago

During the New York portion of the sale, $72 documents and Afoerican coins will be auctioned. The mest valuable and prestigious pieces have been re- served for the Tuesday evening session. About 4,000 of Reuss 4.500 ancient und forcign coins will he auctioned Thurs day in London. which is considered to be a more favorable market for coms of that kind.

The total sale, Lamb said, is expected tO raise between $3 million and $4

Please turn to Page 2, Col 4 {





Press Clipping Bureau

News Alert


NE 68102 © 402/342-3173 © Fax 342-3927

. : 4445397 P.@2 OCT-1a-1996 14:59 FROM Universal Press Clipging TO

Monday, October 7, 1996 ### ee

eae Auction Week Arrives for Reed Items

Continued from Page I doubted that all $000 seats in Christie's PaN nuMismane institutions in the million, A figure on the low side would auction room would be filled. United States to take part because . be an obvious disappomtmrent, but he “I'm not concerned,” he sad, “wih many are Struggling financially and sud he had a “very rood feeling” about how many le show up. iit con- alnxst none hus Moncy for acquisitions, _ the sale, cemed with bow meay dollars show up. “There arc not. to my knowledge. any

“But precisely haw it is Bourg tocome And [ think probably half the dollars numisnzatic IPMUUTIONS sere cal. out. onty a fool would pues.” he said. will be (biels) on the t iS lecting important Amenean cons at the

Of the ceds, $3 million will Lamb estimated that about 80 percent Moment. | think that is a tragedy.” he (ward fulfilling thectty's pledge tohelp of the coins would be dextined for said. fund a $22 million ‘renovauon and Private collections, but lic ssid most of Charis Coover, a Christie's manuscript expansion at the Westem Heritage Mu- those colleciors would not show up in specialist, sud he expects a larger num: scum, where the collection is housed. 7 en tny wold probably hid ber of museums and other institutions to The remainder will be uscd to cover ry ort dealers. who bid on the documents, but he said many «spenses of the sale and to take cure of will up the bulk of the attendars. of those organizations have limited ac- ihe collection left in Omaha. “That's an expectation,” he said. “Af! quisition budgets as well,

Even though the size of the sac is not I can do at this point is guesstimate what Close to record-setting. it Samajorevent is going to happen. Thisis the sort ofsulc i@ oumismatic crcles because of the that attracts pnvate bidders > jore that has up around Rectang = He said he did not expect any of the | his storied collection .

“Everywhere we have gone," Lamb said, “there has been a bese shout the sale. We've been abie to pet ae 5 in the numuamatic press, 1 think in the cad. most am fantly, we have been able to leverage the influence


aod clientele of Christie's.” silo j

Rather than market the as just another major coia and document auc: NIVERS 4A; on, be said. Christie’s has tried to sel] Evenin Wo. the colorful story of Read and how he 9 World-Heraig Came to build such a famous collection Omaha, NE in Nebrasks. Cir. D 232,874

ly,and the results... will reflect that" | OCT 0 7 1998

Ken Bunger, an assistant city atior-

ney, He said ihe city is satisfied

ther istie’s has carried out what it Universay Press Clipping Bureay Promised to do in terms of Marketing

aad for the sale.

“From my point of new,” he said. | “they've certainly done that and more. The word bas been out. I've gotten calle from all over the workd. So they have \ done theis job advertising.” :

He will represent the city at the sale in New York Cit aiong with Mayor Daub; Brinker asSStant to the

: that a new


State and local officials said Monday venik: prison to be built in

- Omaha will be a partial solution to a


£ problem of juvenile crime.

“T have to acknowledge a touch of sadness we have to be here,” said State Sen. Roger Wehrbein of Plattsmouth, chairman of the Nebraska Legislature's

ne. ——— Committee. “It's a sign

e umes.”

Wehrbein, Gov. Nelson, Mayor Daub and State Sens, John Lindsay and Den Preister of Omaha were among those on hand Monday ata “eager ing cere- mine for the $10.7 million, Se-bed actlity.

Tbe jain to be built at North 20th Street East and East Avenue H, is expected to be completed by the end of 1997. Nelson said the new prison will hold the most dangerous 5 percent to 10

} percent of juvenile offenders.

Policy Change Increases Rescue Units’ Activity

Omaha rescue units probably will make an additional 1,000 calls a ycar,

officials say, because of a Fire Depart-

ment policy change.

The new policy calls for a rescuc squad an ambulance and two para- medics to be dispatched along with the usual three fire engines, acrial unit

. and battalion chief on any fire call that

involves smoke or fire in a house or

In the past, rescue squads were ¢Xpea:

dispatched at the discretion of the hattalion chief. Now the squads re- spond automatically to fires that are potentially life-threatening.

Fire Chief Tom Graeve said he made the change Jast month out of concern for firefighter safety and to maintain training.

Auction Begins Tonight For Reed Collection

The first piece from the City of Omaha’s Byron Reed coin and docu- ment collection wil] go on the block

tonight in New York City.

Starting off the first part of a two-day sale at Christie's Park Avenue auction room will be a 1793 half cent in mint condition, which is expected to fetch between $25,000 and $35,000.

Auctioneer gape Burge, chair- man of Christic’s, will accept the first bid at 6 p.m. How long it will take him to work his way through tonight's. re- maining 227 lots is open to question.

Earlier this year city officials chose Christic’s and Spink America to sell about 4,600 coins and documents from the Reed collection, which the real-

S estate developer willed to the city more

than 100 years ago.

CEREMONY: State and local officiais broke ground ~ juvenile prison. From left are State Sen. John Daub, State Juvenile Services Director Jon Hill and Jack Falconer, assistant state corrections director,

Metro Briefs

Of the pcos $3 million will go toward fulfilling the city's pledge to help fund a $22 million rencvauuon and expansion at the Western Heritage Mu- seum, where the collection is “housed. The remainder will be used to cover ses of the sale and to take care of the collection left in Omaha.

State Presses Case On Petition Process

Nebraska citizens did not intend to surrender any of thei constitutional rights when they voted for an amend- ment in 1988, the State Supreme Court was told Monday in Lincoln,

Deputy Attomcy General Steve

- Grasz urged the court Lo restore petition

signature requirements to a level that existed before a 1994 court ruling nearly doubled the number needed to place an issueontheballot é

Grasz said the court should strike down the 1988 amendment because the Nebraska Constitution requires that voters be informed of the true character of an amendment.

NU Doctors Improve

urgery on

University of Nebraska Medical Cen- ter surgeons have devised an operation to make surgical repair more feasible for high-risk patients who have a weakened place in the wall of the aorta, the body’s main artery, as it poes through the abdomen.

A four-member tcam has successfully

Thursday for state Lindsay of Omaha, Gov. Neon Moser

licted two of the ures, it was feparted” in Monday's “suc of the American Journal of Surgery.

Aortic ancurysms a ——e on one side of the aorta can be y if they rupture. They cause about 10,000 deaths a year. Even among paticuts who make it to the hospital alive after an aneurysm ruptures, there is = 50-50 change of surviving, said Dr. Timothy Baxter, a vascular surgeon and team member. |

About 95 percent of aortic aneurysms occurintheabdomen:

In the standard tion, an incision is made in the abdomen and synthetic material is used to reconstruct the weak of - aorta. The ae

cs ust of laparoscopic miques, It is less physically demanding. Train Hits Car; Teen Charged

Sarpy County sheriff's officials have arrested a 19-year-old Omaha man after the car he abandoned was hit by a train at a railroad crossing Monday morning.

Capt. Neal Tucker said Brian Seidler of 14015 Polk Circle has been ore with being a minor in possession o} alcohol. :

Tucker said Seidler and two friends tried to cross the rai tracks at 132nd Street and Giles Road about 4:45 a.m. Monday when the car got stuck in the tracks.

The three abandoned the 1991 Ford Escort and went home, Tucker said. The car was hit by a northbound Burlington Northern train. Sheriff's officials found a number of beer cans in the car, which is owned by Seidler's parents, Tucker said.

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, Doubts Need for 911 Call

lark Fuhr-

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bout Ms. m entered five more and six sol stand get abvul detailed yeek, lier been a black som was lismissed est after

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ts. Simp-

son's estate g plaintuT in the case questioned the prospect on the SUBLER- ton that Ms. Simpson brought on some of this herself.

“T think it’s fair to say that you don’t have a very high opiniun of her?” Kelly asked

“Correct.” the juror candidate said

Cable Networks Settle With Stenographer

Los Angeles (AP) The court stenographer for the O.J. Simpson civil inal bas settled her dispute with Court TV and CNN over the posting of transcripts on the World Wide Web.

Averting 4 lawsuit over the news media's nght tw publish the tran- scripts, the two cabie channels agreed to Rey court reporter Paula Dickson $1.30 » page for transcripts posted on their Web sites, The stundard rate for paper copies ts 55 cents a page.

fity also agreed Monday to delay posting of each day's transcripts for 24 hours in order to encuurape other news Organizations to buy their own transcripts from Ms. Dickson, who expects to have them posted within six hours after each day's court scxsion ends.

er the Law?

ht Unfairly Targets Blacks

attempt a equal- vder-co-

rey, the ar, said vt been amonty nal-jus-

howin bluck \ black, 4s that kK at the BS, the rial for od Miao “ase of Ameri- iat the ve Na-

untry’s iL Sup-

cruck dealers as for people who sell 100 times the amount of cocaine powder,

in Omuha, U.S. District Judge Lyle Strom has been working to change the guidelines to allow more lenient terms for crack cocaine offenders. He says the greater punishment for crack discrimi- nutes by race because crack offenders are morc likely to be black.

Litt, the government attorney, said the dispmportionate prosecution of blacks on crack offenses occurs for a Sumple reason: “Blacks dominate the crack-distribution trade. The reasons blacks are getting arrested for distribu- tion of crack is that blacks distribute crack,” he said.

Drug-use patterns alone can't account for the difference in penaltics among faces, Some Observers say,

Defense lawyer James Mowbray of Lincoln, a entic of mandatory minimuri laws, argues that whites are the great majority of those sentenced for meth- amphetamine and LSD. But the over-

Wednesday, October 9, 1946 tome

Tuesday's Top Prices $500,000 FURNACE


————S 111) Year Level Rates) MERE'S WHAT WE Di

at $374,000, 1829 gold half-sa- DO sah caieccaccmssap sees $32/ma. a ee

gle RO ciiecosesesntbapsepens $43/mo. zo Gea Oun Our

5 OTERO ROT E REE E Eee Ee eee 5 a a are ,

ae $352,000, (3) 1875 $3 gold ° tee | 5 e : ‘ies i Toru oi eces . SOF eee Cer emm em eeeeeee ene i. . mo ae ei

S. $297,000, 1832 goid halt-ea- FREE qoraions © 6S Aan Borer Phesee

gle $100,000 wv $3,000,000 |

@ 4. $231,000, 1796 gold quarter- Pictewad Kus Tefacs Bison

eagle Foret Hone vott \ ee Gn HLMKQAA

@ 5. $176,000, 1797 hall-dollar

@ 6. $159,500, 1828/7 overdate goid halt-eagie

@ 7. $137,500, 1797 goid halt-ea- gle

@ 8. $132,000, 1864 goid quarter- eagle

@ 9. $121,000, 1838 goid half-ea-

ae ee i]

Licensed-Bonded 3)



B 10. $86,000, 1798 gold eaote Save hours of window scrap All prices inciude 2 10 percent buyer's premium,

20’x22’ 2 CAR GARA

yr Only 6 646° INCLUE Items Exceed “Baal O Bid Estimates a Continued from Page ! ¢ Vinyl Sic ered a more favorable market for such ¢2’x4' Vin NCCES. ' : off ‘al ens of the PRICES oom country’s foremoet collectors in the I9ne SOLOING one century, He accumulated more than 16,000 coins, bills, Socks - OM AK ts were willed to the Cot Oomh oon deh BULLOCK (402) 734. ¢ Sale is a major event in nurmismat- COUNCIL BLUFFS (712 ic circles, beonnse of the sea collection's GARAG ES LINCOLN (age) a6

stoned history and because it had re- mained intact and off the market for more than 100 years,

“This sale is special. There are some legendary coins in there that we have fantasized about buying at some point in the future, and now we're ting a chance at some of them,” said Andy Lustig, a coin dealer from Old Tappan, N.J.. who purchased a few of the lots.

The enthusiasm for the coins could be seen in the spinted bidding, which never lagped.,

“You could assemble a coin auction with $10 million worth of coins in it that wouldn't generate one-tenth the excite- ment that you just saw in that sale room,” Lamb said. “It was electric.”

Virtually all the coins sold above their high estimate, and many sold several times over that, An 1866 $3 gold piece, for example, which was ex to fetch $6,000 to $9,000, brought $38,500 (which includes the 10 percent premi- ui).

“I don't think anyone could have expected some of the estimates ta he

Omaha, 4417 Q St. Gano isiann (308)

A World of Fashion


Trunk Show

Thursday, October 10th « 1OAM - 8 P

Veetday: C\ytrtyns teh tN Ad e =

col MAuUuuLOTY Minune vat whites are the great ise *entenced for meth- ar D. Bat the over- Se, «we Said. Piven that greatest users of those ig to the Nationa] House- 1 Drug Use for 1993 and or 1995.

~ and powder-cocaine if ¢ to those same survey te, The ctrug-use report is diy by the Nutional Insti- \buse, based on a survey i drug use among house- i2 or older. ik people in Washington said, “Let's get the black Mowbray. “It's a subcon- system at work in which ungton are protecting the ¢ among people who are

4erald contributed to this

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6 Stare cep wrestes


“I don’t think anyone could have expected some of the estumates to be outstripped the way they were,” Lamb sud

Aucuoneer Christopher c, chair- man of Christie’s, began the at 6:02 p.m, wel the bidders and taking care of few bits of business before opening bids on the first lot.

The sale begun with a 1793 half-cent, which sold for $35,200, and then settled into a rhythm of jow-range and mid- range Coins punctuated with star lots, .

« crowd in the elegant wood-pan- ¢led room fluctuated around 75, many of them dealers who knew cach other and chutted before the sale. Bids were shown On @ tote board on the nght side of Burge's podium, and slides were shown on the left.

At the same time that bids were taken from the floor, others were being taken over the phone by proxies. Phone bid- ding was particularly heavy for the manuscripts,

The evening's first big moment with Lot 25, an uncurculated 1797 half dollar, which was estimated to sell for $140, oe to $180,000. Burge stared the bi 365,000 and closed it at $176,000, ie fifth-highest price of the evening,

Eugene Gardner of Lancaster, Pu, came to the oe Just jong enough to bid on Lot 27, an 1852 silver dollar. An investment scanuiger who has collected coms for more than 30 years, Gardner secured his quarry for $17,050 and then left for the operu.

Drawing the top pce among the coins was an 1829 half-eagle, au extrenne ranty that fetched $374,000


Layaway available for Spring

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Byron Reed, 1829-1891


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"We tried to be mindful of the mission of the museum in the local community and the role of Omaha in the 19th century in the expansion of the United States."

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"Had Omaha promoted