======================================================================== HOW TO MAKE AN AUDIOBOOK FROM THE DATA PROVIDED HERE ==================================================== You will find it easier to read this in the Courier typeface. We show you here how easy it is, once you have the appropriate software, which is an inexpensive once-off purchase, to make your own audiobooks that you can listen to on your computer, on your MP3 player, or on your CD-MP3 player. On the Internet Archive we provide four kinds of files for this book. These are: 1. The PDF containing scans of the pages of the book. 2. An HTML file containing the OCRed and checked text of the book. This file also contains links to the small copies of the pictures in the book (see (4) below). 3. A TXT file containing just the bare text arranged so that it can be read directly by a text-to-speech program, either aloud, or into a permanent form that can be loaded into an MP3 player or written to a CD. 4. The pictures mentioned in (2) above. You will need a good text-to-speech program, and we wholeheartedly recommend TextAloud MP3, which is available from www.NextUp.com. You will also need a "voice", and NextUp offer voices from several manufacturers. We suggest that you will be most suited by the voices from Acapela, who provide a variety of voices to suit your needs. We use the British English "Graham", and if you prefer a female voice, you could install one of these as well. We find "Graham" so good that it is hard to believe he is not a real person. You could load the TXT file straight into TextAloud MP3 and start it reading aloud right away. However you will find that you need an extra pause at the end of paragraphs and at the end of sentences. You can make a permanent setting by clicking on Options/TextAloud Options/Predefined Pauses. We use Sentence Pause set to .3 Paragraph Pause .5 There will be a few, a very few, words that the "Voice" you use does not pronounce as you wish. These are mostly confined to proper nouns (names). You can use /Options/Pronunciation Editor to make sure that from now on TextAloud will read them just as you wish. But be aware that different "voices" have different idiosyncrasies. If later on you hear a word mispronounced make a note of it and fix it when you have an opportunity. You now have the ability to hear any book read straight through, in a pleasing manner. But it is more convenient to be able to hear and record each chapter separately. From time to time we publish a list of extra wrinkles that will make your audiobooks sound even more realistic, but note that what works for one voice may possibly not work for another. This information is published in http://www.athelstane.co.uk/audiobooks.htm MAKING MP3 FILES OF EACH CHAPTER ================================ In your TextAloud program there is a facility for splitting a book up into its component chapters. You can then have TextAloud make each of these into an MP3 file, and you can write a CD with these on it, or you can transfer them into an MP3 player. With TextAloud loaded you can operate its file-splitter utility, which you will find at /File/File Splitter Utility. Browse to the Input File Name, which you will have copied off the Internet Archive. Let the file output name be the default by leaving that field blank, or make up something shorter but meaningful. This is what will appear in the tiny window of your MP3 player. Let the starting Output File Sequence Number be 0. Set Sequence File Number to After Filename. Set Split Method to "Specified Strings". Set the String to "Chapter". and click on "Split". You will find you have each chapter in a file of its own. Use Wordpad to check one of these just to make sure its numbering is correct. Use /Edit/Delete All Articles to clear out any book you have been working on. Click on the Multi icon, then on the Open icon. Navigate to where the chapter files are stored, use control-A to highlight them all, and Open them. Then click on the File icon and tell TextAloud where you want the MP3 files stored. Then tell it to go ahead and make them. You will find this is quite fast, perhaps 30 times faster than just reading the book aloud. Thus a 10-hour book will be done in 20 minutes. Then you can save all these MP3 files onto a CD. Don't forget to label the CD! If you are going to listen to books on your CD while driving the car you need to ensure that jolts do not cause the CD to skip. You can get special springy things to absorb the jolt, but I have found that an old straw hat does the job well, and if you leave the car for a minute you can tuck the CD under the old hat. Finally clear them off your computer because otherwise it will become cluttered up. There is one point which might interest you. We have used underbar (_) to surround words in italics. If you use an editor such as Wordpad to change _ into " it will make the "voice" stress the word, simply because it adds a little pause there. However you need to be careful here because you won't want stress every time you come to the name of a ship, or the name of a newspaper, nor every time you come to a foreign word. Of course you can't expect a British, US, Australian or Indian voice to know how to pronounce foreign words. And you certainly wouldn't want to emphasise a wrong pronunciation. Still, this wrinkle may have its uses. ========================================================================